My Healing is No Longer Negotiable
As I descend into the final part of Year of Dana, I realize, this journey will not end at the one year mark. I will not be returning to before, yet I will not be arriving either. Because there is no arriving where there is no destination. All I have is my trust in self and what I cannot yet see ahead of me.
What I do know though is this: my healing is no longer negotiable. Nothing will ever again stand in between myself and my inner home of love and resilience. Not a partner. Not my family. Not a career. Not society. Not patriarchy. Not capitalism. My inner world is the single most important, most sacred, and most precious thing to me.
I am committed to a way of being that prioritizes my freedom, my wakefulness, my rest and wellbeing, and my expression of inner truth and power. I am committed to overwriting old narratives and unlearning conditions that once took control of my body. I am committed to living fearlessly with a heart of abundance.
Deep healing, gentleness, and tenderness will be integrated into every aspect of my lived experience. In what I eat and drink. In what I read and watch. In what I pay attention to. In what I practice. In how I care for my body. In how I sleep. In how, what, and who I work and serve. In how I lead. In how I make decisions. In how I speak. In how, what, and who I love.
My heart-mind-body will be relentlessly aligned to the truth of my being. So aligned that if something or someone is not contributing to this process of healing, of staying awake and conscious, of being alive, of being free, I will have no interest or energy to expend. My body finally knows what healing feels like, and it won't accept anything or anyone less, ever again.
While I have no clue what my life holds moving forward, I have clear seeing on its direction. I am the gardener of my own soul and spirit and I will grow this garden with the utmost care and integrity.
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