Get Naked With Coronavirus
Get naked with coronavirus. By get naked, I mean, get quiet, get bored, get sad, get angry, get confused, get relaxed, get rest, get restless, get thankful, get scared, get whatever it is that our inner world is asking of us right now. Get naked with yourself. Get exposed to yourself. This exercise might be more difficult for those who have care taking duties. But this is an opportunity nevertheless to really be there for ourselves and our loved ones in a way that we were never invited to do before. This moment of pause in our "normal" lives as we know is historic for the world. Such a moment may frighten many of us who might not be used to this amount of time on our hands or used to this unprecedented barrier to busy-ing our lives in the way that both our evolutionary instincts and American culture socializes us to do. BUT, this is a tremendous chance for us to take stock in what's most important to us, to find gratitude for our lives literally, and to simply get q...