Dance Parties

Everyone walks around with headphones in. If most of these folks are listening to music, why don't we see more people dancing? What is keeping our arms stationary at the sides of our body as we walk? What is keeping us from getting down to the beat of our music no matter where we are? Why do we have to wait to be drunk on a dark sticky dance floor to move our bodies?

Not so embarrassingly, I have had more one-woman dance parties in my car, on the streets, and in my apartment over the past seven months than I have in years combined. Yes, without shame, I am blaring music (again, usually pop or 90s hip hop), and my body just wants to move, so I am letting her. When she's moving in public, the few smiles I receive in return are all worth it.

What's going on you might ask? I've noticed that in this transition period, the more I still my mind, the more alive I feel. The more alive I feel, the more energy returns to my heart, allowing her to feel all the emotions deeply. The more alive I feel,  the more energy returns to my body, allowing her to move whether it be through dancing, hiking, or being active in other ways.

I can feel the flow of energy moving throughout my heart and body. This must be what it feels like to finally be awake and alive within myself. Our bodies are so sedentary when our minds are asleep. But our bodies are not meant to be still. A teacher at EBMC once pointed out, if we want to see what our bodies are naturally like, look at babies. Babies are constantly moving around. But over time, as babies grow up, they're socialized to keep their minds moving at lightning speed but to keep their bodies sedentary.

I wonder, how can stilling our minds instead liberate the natural energetic movement in our hearts and bodies? What are the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of this kind of energetic liberation?


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