My New Roommate

I got a new roommate last year. To be honest, I was feeling pretty nervous about her. Mostly because I've had only really great roomies in the past (shout out to Holycon sisters and the Rice Paddy!). So the new roomie had a lot to stack up to.

She has a few odd particulars. For some reason, she refuses to have a real trash can in the kitchen so she just piles trash in brown grocery bags. I don't why. After every restroom visit, she leaves a bunch of hair on the floor. She can run the kitchen sink water too much when washing the dishes. In the middle of winter, she chooses to wear lots of layers instead of using the heater. What's the opposite of a green thumb? She has whatever that is, already losing two plants. Not to mention, her whole family is concerned about her ability to cook so she's constantly getting calls at night about what she ate for dinner. Quite disruptive. All complaints aside though, she's been a pretty great roommate. She hangs with me when I am feeling really sad. She'll buy ice cream for me when I'm down. She gives me pep talks when the world is feeling too chaotic. Sometimes she walks around naked and encourages me to feel comfortable with my own body. She lets me just lay in bed and doesn't give me a hard time about sleeping in. She'll touch and hold my heart when the pain is feeling unbearable. She'll let me repeat the same songs over and over again. She's been soft and tender. While she struggles with it sometimes, she tries to not judge me. She'll sit in complete quietness with me.

After 6 months of living with her, I am feeling pretty grateful to have her as my roommate and also eager to see how our budding friendship will continue to blossom. Thanks new roomie, I love you.


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