I lived most my life with anxiety without knowing it

Thirty-four years of life, two therapists, three coaches, and a divorce later... I recently discovered, I have lived with high functioning anxiety without knowing it. I don't blame anyone for not having helped me figure it out sooner. The hallmark characteristic of this condition is the ability to mask it quite effectively. All my life, I've been told: "Danielle, you're so calm, composed, and collected." I was always confused by this feedback. Truly puzzled after every performance review or 360 cycle. What people saw of me felt so far from how I felt inside. It's no wonder I felt like an imposter. I lacked the skill, space, and safety to explore or communicate the dissonance. Over the years, I assumed what I felt inside was just normal wear and tear of the hamster wheel. Your regular work or school stress. But no, it was more than acute stress. It's been a longterm pattern of anxiety living within me since I was a kid. Because I was so disconnected fro...