Mystery of the Dark Moon

During my heart practice this morning, something our teacher offered stuck with me. She said, "Learn how to cultivate trust in the mystery of the unknown." I've been reading a book about the mystery of the dark moon and her healing powers. Over the past year, I've spent a lot of time staring at la luna. I've become so curious about her energetic dance with darkness. The book has brought clarity to my own experience with darkness and its healing ways. Late last year, I had noticed a significant shift in my relationship with physical darkness . It was unbelievable to experience this change, which seemed to happen so organically, given how terrified of the dark I've been most of my life. I can't help but speculate that my increased comfort with darkness is connected to my deepening trust with the mystery of life. In a week, my spiritual being turns 34. And literally, in a week, my life could look completely different from how it does today, or maybe it...