Dear friend: Why I write, why I share
Dear friend, When I decided to share my writing with the world, to share these deeply personal reflections openly and vulnerably, my purpose was not to make friends or to be liked or to seek validation from others. I knew I was taking a risk. I knew some people would disagree with my effort. I found my way back to writing, first and foremost, as a source of my own deep healing, a journey I understand not everyone will choose or have the resources or capacity to pursue. Writing and sharing with others is my effort to expose my heart as expansively as possible. Because when I put my heart out there, there's really nothing else to lose or be scared of in life. And that's my intention here, is to live each moment without fear, and as authentically as possible. The reactions I've received over the past year of writing has been overwhelming. It has revealed to me that many of us live in real emotional isolation. It has showed me that many are suffering without b...